Sports Idioms & Expressions With Their Meanings & Examples

Basketball hoop

Originating in the world of sport, many sports idioms and expressions have transcended the playing field, becoming a common part of the English language.

From “hit the ground running” to “throw a Hail Mary,” sports expressions not only capture the spirit of competition but also convey universal lessons and emotions applicable to various aspects of life. And, while many of these idioms and expressions are still used in sport, you’ll also hear them frequently in everyday life in business and social settings.

So, why not take a look at these sports idioms and expressions? If you can learn them all you’ll blow the competition away!

85 Sports Idioms & Expressions

Read on for 85 sports idioms and expressions:

A level playing field

Meaning: A fair and even competition without advantages or disadvantages.
Example: “To ensure fairness, all participants must compete on a level playing field.”

A shot in the dark

Meaning: A guess or attempt with little hope of success.
Example: “Without any leads, the investigation was like a shot in the dark.”

A slam dunk

Meaning: An effortless or surefire success.
Example: “The product’s popularity made the marketing campaign a slam dunk.”

At this stage in the game

Meaning: At the current point in time or progress; the current state of affairs.
Example: “At this stage in the game, we need to finalize our plans and make sure everything is in place for the event.”

A whole new ball game

Meaning: A completely different situation or set of circumstances.
Example: “With new technology, the industry is facing a new ball game that requires adaptation.”

Back to the drawing board

Meaning: Starting over due to a failed attempt or plan.
Example: “The marketing campaign didn’t produce the desired results, so we’re back to the drawing board.”


Meaning: To be surprised or caught off guard by an unexpected event or information.
Example: “He was completely blindsided when he found out that he had been laid off from his job.”

Blow the competition away

Meaning: To outperform others by a significant margin.
Example: “Their new product launch is expected to blow the competition away.”

Break a leg

Meaning: An expression of good luck before a performance or competition.
Example: “Before the play, the cast encouraged each other by saying, ‘Break a leg!'”

This also happens to be one of the most common English expressions.

Buzzer beater

Meaning: A shot made just before the game clock expires.
Example: “In a thrilling finish, the basketball player scored a buzzer beater to win the game.”

Call the shots

Meaning: To make the decisions or be in control.
Example: “As the team captain, he gets to call the shots during the match.”

Catch someone off guard

Meaning: To surprise or shock someone by doing something unexpected.
Example: “The sudden announcement caught everyone off guard and left them speechless.”

Change the game

Meaning: To significantly alter the course of events or the way something is done.
Example: “The invention of smartphones changed the game for communication and technology.”

Cry foul

Meaning: To complain about an unfair or illegal action.
Example: “The coach cried foul after the referee made a questionable call.”


Meaning: An unexpected or challenging event or situation.
Example: “The sudden illness of a key player threw a curveball into the team’s plans.”

Dead heat

Meaning: A tie or equal results in a competition.
Example: “The two teams finished in a dead heat, and the game went into overtime.”

Down and out

Meaning: Feeling defeated or in a hopeless situation; having no resources or opportunities.
Example: “After losing his job and facing financial difficulties, he felt down and out, unsure of how to move forward.”

Down to the wire

Meaning: A situation that is intense and uncertain until the very end.
Example: “The championship match was down to the wire, with both teams tied until the last few seconds.”

Drop the ball

Meaning: To make a mistake or fail to do something that was expected.
Example: “I dropped the ball by forgetting to send out the invitations for the event.”

Eye of the tiger

Meaning: Intense focus and determination.
Example: “With the eye of the tiger, the athlete made a stunning comeback in the final set.”


Meaning: A confrontation or competition between two parties.
Example: “The face-off between the two tennis champions was highly anticipated.”

Full-court press

Meaning: Intense pressure or effort, typically applied to opponents in basketball.
Example: “To catch up, the trailing team employed a full-court press in the last minutes of the game.”

Get the ball rolling

Meaning: To start or initiate something.
Example: “To organize the event successfully, we need a volunteer to get the ball rolling.”

Get to first base

Meaning: To achieve a basic level of success or progress.
Example: “He finally got to first base with his new business, securing a small investment.”

Give it your best shot

Meaning: To put forth one’s maximum effort or try one’s hardest.
Example: “Even though it’s a challenging task, give it your best shot, and you might surprise yourself with the results.”

Have skin in the game

Meaning: To have a personal stake or interest in the outcome.
Example: “Investors who have skin in the game are more motivated to see the project succeed.”

High stakes

Meaning: Involving a significant amount of risk or potential reward.
Example: “Investing in the stock market can be high stakes; you could lose or gain a lot of money.”

Hit below the belt

Meaning: To use cruel or unfair methods during a competition or argument.
Example: “Bringing up his personal problems during the debate was hitting below the belt.”

Hit it out of the park

Meaning: To do something exceptionally well.
Example: “Her presentation was so impressive; she really hit it out of the park.”

Hit the ground running

Meaning: To begin a project or task with energy and enthusiasm.
Example: “As soon as the new CEO joined the company, she hit the ground running with new strategies.”

Home team

Meaning: The team or group that has an advantage due to being in a familiar environment.
Example: “Playing in their home stadium, the home team had the support of their enthusiastic fans.”

In the hole

Meaning: Trailing or behind in a competition.
Example: “With only two minutes left, the team was down by ten points and deep in the hole.”

In the same ballpark

Meaning: Similar or approximately the same amount, value, or range.
Example: “The cost estimates from the two contractors were not identical but were in the same ballpark.”

In the same league

Meaning: Comparable or similar in skill or ability.
Example: “The two athletes are not in the same league; one is a professional while the other is a novice.”

In the driver’s seat

Meaning: In control of a situation or decision-making.
Example: “After receiving the majority vote, she was in the driver’s seat and could lead the team.”

In the home stretch

Meaning: The final portion of a competition or project.
Example: “With only one month left, we are in the home stretch of completing the construction project.”

In the zone

Meaning: In a state of heightened focus and performance.
Example: “The tennis player was in the zone, winning point after point with ease.”

Jump through hoops

Meaning: To go through a series of challenges or obstacles.
Example: “To get the job, she had to jump through hoops during multiple rounds of interviews.”

Jump the gun

Meaning: To start something prematurely or before the appropriate time.
Example: “He jumped the gun by announcing the results before the final count was complete.”

Keep your eye on the ball

Meaning: To stay focused on the task at hand.
Example: “In a fast-paced game like tennis, it’s crucial to keep your eye on the ball at all times.”

Keep your eye on the prize

Meaning: To remain focused on a goal or objective.
Example: “Despite the challenges, the team kept their eyes on the prize and won the championship.”

Knocked it out of the park

Meaning: To achieve a remarkable success or accomplishment.
Example: “The sales team launched a new marketing campaign that resonated with customers and knocked it out of the park in terms of sales.”

Leave it all on the field

Meaning: To give maximum effort or energy in a competition.
Example: “The team was exhausted but left it all on the field, winning the championship.”

Level playing field

Meaning; A fair and even competition without advantages or disadvantages.
Example: “With standardized testing, all students have a level playing field to showcase their abilities.”

Long shot

Meaning: A very unlikely possibility.
Example: “The chances of winning the lottery are a long shot, but people still try their luck.”

Make a splash

Meaning: To attract attention or create a significant impact.
Example: “The new product launch made a splash in the market, gaining media attention.”


Meaning: A thrilling or suspenseful event with a very close outcome.
Example: “The basketball game went into overtime, and it was a real nail-biter until the last second.”

No pain, no gain

Meaning: Success or progress comes only through hard work and sacrifice.
Example: “If you want to improve your skills, you have to train hard. No pain, no gain.”

On the ball

Meaning: Alert, attentive, and quick to react.
Example: “As a goalkeeper, you need to be on the ball to save those fast shots.”

On the ropes

Meaning: In a vulnerable or weakened position.
Example: “The boxer was on the ropes, struggling to defend himself against the opponent’s punches.”

On thin ice

Meaning: Engaging in risky behavior or being in a dangerous situation.
Example: “By investing all their savings in one volatile stock, they were walking on thin ice.”

One-trick pony

Meaning: A person or thing with only one talent or skill.
Example: “He is a great guitarist, but he’s a one-trick pony; he can’t play any other instrument.”

Out of bounds

Meaning: Beyond acceptable limits or inappropriate.
Example: “His comments were out of bounds and offended many people.”

Out of left field

Meaning: Surprising or unexpected.
Example: “Her resignation came out of left field; nobody saw it coming.”

Out of your league

Meaning: To be beyond someone’s ability, skill, or social status.
Example: “As a beginner in the sport, competing against professional athletes would be out of your league.”

Play by the rules

Meaning: To act within the established guidelines or regulations.
Example: “In any sport, players are expected to play by the rules and show good sportsmanship.”

Play hardball

Meaning: To be aggressive and uncompromising in negotiations or competition.
Example: “If they don’t agree to our terms, we’ll have to play hardball and take legal action.”

Playing the field

Meaning: Dating or being romantically involved with multiple people.
Example: “After her breakup, she decided to stay single and play the field for a while.”

Rain check

Meaning: An offer or invitation that can be accepted at a later time.
Example: “I can’t make it to the party tonight, but can I take a rain check for the next one?”


Meaning: A strategy in boxing where one lets their opponent tire themselves out.
Example: “In the championship fight, the boxer used the rope-a-dope technique to exhaust his opponent.”

Run the gauntlet

Meaning: To endure a series of difficult challenges or criticisms.
Example: “After making a controversial decision, the politician had to run the gauntlet of public criticism.”

Running on empty

Meaning: Having little energy or resources left.
Example: “After working long hours, she felt like she was running on empty.”

Saved by the bell

Meaning: Rescued from a difficult or challenging situation.
Example: “He was about to lose the match, but he was saved by the bell signaling the end of the round.”

Second wind

Meaning: Renewed energy or strength after exhaustion.
Example: “After pushing through the initial fatigue, the runner found her second wind.”

Shoot yourself in the foot

Meaning: To harm one’s interests or cause one’s failure.
Example: “By missing the crucial deadline, he effectively shot himself in the foot and lost the contract.”

Step up to the plate

Meaning: To take responsibility or rise to a challenge.
Example: “In times of crisis, leaders need to step up to the plate and make tough decisions.”

Swing for the fences

Meaning: To take a bold and ambitious approach to achieve great success.
Example: “With this project, we’re going to swing for the fences and aim for groundbreaking results.”

Take a back seat

Meaning: To assume a less prominent or active role.
Example: “After retiring, the athlete decided to take a back seat and coach the new generation.”

Take off the gloves

Meaning: To stop being polite or gentle and become aggressive or confrontational.
Example: “During the heated debate, one of the candidates decided to take off the gloves and attack their opponent’s policies.”

Take the ball and run with it

Meaning: To take responsibility and act independently.
Example: “The manager gave her full authority to handle the project, telling her to take the ball and run with it.”

The ball is in your court

Meaning: It’s your turn to take action or make a decision.
Example: “We’ve presented our proposal; now, the ball is in your court to respond.”

The home team

Meaning: The team or group that has an advantage due to being in a familiar environment.
Example: “Playing in their home stadium, the home team had the support of their enthusiastic fans.”

Three strikes and you’re out

Meaning: A rule that if someone fails three times, they are disqualified.
Example: “The pitcher threw three strikes, and the batter was out.”

Throw a curveball

Meaning: To surprise or challenge someone unexpectedly.
Example: “He threw a curveball by presenting a new idea that nobody had considered.”

Throw a Hail Mary

Meaning: To take a desperate or improbable action to achieve a positive outcome.
Example: “With time running out, the quarterback threw a Hail Mary pass to win the game.”

Throw in the towel

Meaning: To give up, surrender, or admit defeat in a situation.
Example: “After struggling for months to find a solution, they finally decided to throw in the towel and abandon the project.”


Meaning: A break or pause in an activity, typically in sports, to discuss strategy or rest.
Example: “With only seconds left in the game, the coach called a time-out to plan a last-minute play.”

Toe the line

Meaning: To conform to rules or guidelines.
Example: “In a competitive environment, businesses have to toe the line to succeed.”

Touch base

Meaning: To make contact or communicate with someone, typically to get an update or exchange information.
Example: “I’ll touch base with my colleague tomorrow morning to discuss the progress of the project.”

Turf war

Meaning: A territorial conflict or competition.
Example: “The two companies engaged in a turf war to dominate the local market.”

Under the gun

Meaning: Under pressure or facing a tight deadline.
Example: “With only one day left, the team was under the gun to finish the project.”

Win hands down

Meaning: To win easily or with no effort.
Example: “With their excellent performance, they won the competition hands down.”

Winning streak

Meaning: A series of consecutive victories.
Example: “The team’s winning streak came to an end after seven consecutive wins.”

You can’t win them all

Meaning: Not every attempt or endeavor will be successful.
Example: “They lost the game, but you can’t win them all; there’s always another chance.”

Your call

Meaning: It’s your decision or choice to make.
Example: “We have presented two options; now, it’s your call on which direction to take.”

Conclusion: Hit it out of the Park

Did you hit it out of the park and remember all of those sports idioms and expressions? Don’t worry if you haven’t memorized them all yet, you can’t win them all!

But wait, don’t throw in the towel yet! If you want to keep up your studying winning streak why not check out these other common English idioms and money expressions and sayings?

The ball is in your court!

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