Westminster College London (WCL) is registered in the UK under company number 10573181 and over the years has trained a vast number of TEFL teachers from around the world. The college prides itself on the quality of its courses and the individual attention it provides every student who enrolls.
WCL the company is made up of a passionate group of individuals whose lives have been changed by teaching English away from their home. We are so changed by the experience that we think it is something everyone should experience at least once in a lifetime.
We’re absolutely mad about the concept of travelling to a foreign country to teach English. This passion has led us to be the market leader in UK, Europe, and Middle East for providing TESOL training and resources for the industry. You’ll notice our obsession with quality and innovation.
We believe in the value of sharing and providing quality learning experiences, not just in the services we provide but also in the way we support our people. Experience is everything and we’re fortunate to have a great deal of it in our people. We do not want to be just the best of the best. Through superior provision, service, original thinking and enhanced student experience we do not want to be the best but rather the only ones who do what we do.