61 Dog Idioms, Phrases & Sayings With Meanings & Examples

Unleash your language skills with these fun dog idioms and sayings! Don’t let sleeping dogs lie — learn their meanings and examples today!

Golden retriever

Idioms are phrases that have meanings different from their literal words. They help to illustrate points more vividly and can make communication more interesting and relatable. In English, idioms are used every day and they’re often influenced by animals.

One animal that has provided inspiration for a lot of idioms, phrases, and sayings is the dog.

Dog idioms and sayings bring variety to language by comparing human behavior to our loyal, four-legged friends. For example, calling someone the “underdog” means they are expected to lose but might still succeed! Expressions like “dog-eat-dog world” highlight ruthless competition, while “puppy love” describes young, intense affection.

Using these dog idioms makes your speech more engaging and relatable. So, let’s not bark up the wrong tree — it’s time to dig into some popular dog-related sayings and find out what they mean!

Dog Idioms and Sayings

Dogs have inspired many colorful idioms in the English language. Below, you’ll find 61 dog idioms listed alphabetically, along with their meanings and example sentences. Learn them all to become top dog!

A Barking Dog Never Bites

Meaning: Someone who makes threats but doesn’t follow through.
Example: Don’t be scared of him — his threats mean nothing. A barking dog never bites.

A Dog and Pony Show

Meaning: An elaborate presentation or performance meant to impress.
Example: The sales team put on a real dog and pony show for the investors

A Dog-Eat-Dog World

Meaning: A competitive environment where people fight to succeed.
Example: The business world is tough. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there.

A Dog’s Breakfast

Meaning: A complete mess or disaster.
Example: His attempt at baking was a disaster — it looked like a dog’s breakfast.

A Dog’s Life

Meaning: A difficult, miserable existence.
Example: Without enough money, he felt like he was living a dog’s life.

A Three-Dog Night

Meaning: A very cold night.
Example: It was freezing outside, truly a three-dog night.

As Sick as a Dog

Meaning: Feeling very ill.
Example: I caught the flu and felt as sick as a dog all week.

Bark Up the Wrong Tree

Meaning: Pursuing the wrong course of action.
Example: If you think I stole your phone, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

Be Like a Dog With a Bone

Meaning: Be persistent and not give up.
Example: She won’t stop until she finds the answer — she’s like a dog with a bone.

Be Like a Dog With Two Tails

Meaning: To be extremely happy.
Example: When she won the lottery, she was like a dog with two tails.

Better to Be the Head of a Dog Than the Tail of a Lion

Meaning: It’s better to be a leader in a small group than a follower in a bigger one.
Example: He chose to run a small company instead of being an employee at a big one — better to be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.

Bite off more than you can chew

Meaning: To take on a task that is too difficult to manage.
Example: He tried to train five dogs at once but bit off more than he could chew.

Call Off the Dogs

Meaning: Stop attacking or criticizing someone.
Example: The boss realized his mistake and called off the dogs.

Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Meaning: It’s hard to change someone’s habits.
Example: My grandfather refuses to use a smartphone — you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

Clean as a Hound’s Tooth

Meaning: Very clean or honest.
Example: His financial records are clean as a hound’s tooth — no fraud at all.

Crooked as a Dog’s Hind Leg

Meaning: Very dishonest or corrupt.
Example: That politician is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg.

Dig Into

Meaning: To start something with enthusiasm or to eat food eagerly.
Example: He couldn’t wait to dig into his meal after a long day at work.

Dog Days of Summer

Meaning: The hottest, most uncomfortable part of summer.
Example: The dog days of summer make working outside unbearable.


Meaning: Worn out or tattered, often referring to books.
Example: Her favorite novel was dog-eared from years of reading.

Doggy Bag

Meaning: A bag for taking leftover food home from a restaurant.
Example: The meal was huge, so I asked for a doggy bag.

Dog in the Manger

Meaning: Preventing others from enjoying something you don’t need.
Example: He never plays with those toys, but won’t let anyone else have them — he’s a real dog in the manger.


Meaning: Extremely tired or exhausted.
Example: After running the marathon, she was dog-tired.

Dog-Eat-Dog Competition

Meaning: Fierce and ruthless competition.
Example: The tech industry is full of dog-eat-dog competition.

Dogged Determination

Meaning: Strong, persistent effort.
Example: He showed dogged determination in finishing his project.

Doggone It

Meaning: A mild expression of frustration.
Example: Doggone it, I forgot my keys again!


Meaning: A person who does menial or boring tasks.
Example: As an intern, I was just a dogsbody fetching coffee.

Dog’s Dinner

Meaning: A complete mess.
Example: His attempt at fixing the sink turned into a dog’s dinner.

Dogs of War

Meaning: The chaos and destruction of war.
Example: The general warned that releasing the dogs of war would bring disaster.

Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You

Meaning: Don’t harm those who help you.
Example: He criticized his boss publicly — talk about biting the hand that feeds you!

Every Dog Has Its Day

Meaning: Everyone gets a chance to succeed eventually.
Example: Don’t give up — every dog has its day.

Fight Like Cats and Dogs

Meaning: To argue or fight intensely.
Example: My brother and I fight like cats and dogs over everything.

Get Your Teeth into Something

Meaning: To become fully involved in a task or challenge with enthusiasm.
Example: He couldn’t wait to get his teeth into the new project at work.

Go to the Dogs

Meaning: To deteriorate or become worse.
Example: Since new management took over, the company has gone to the dogs.

Gone to the Dogs

Meaning: Something that has declined in quality.
Example: This town used to be nice, but it has gone to the dogs.

Hair of the Dog

Meaning: Drinking alcohol to cure a hangover.
Example: He swears by the hair of the dog as a hangover cure.

Have a Dog in This Fight

Meaning: To have an interest in something.
Example: I don’t care who wins — I don’t have a dog in this fight.

His Bark Is Worse Than His Bite

Meaning: Someone appears more threatening than they are.
Example: He shouts a lot, but he’s harmless — his bark is worse than his bite.

Hot Dog

Meaning: An exclamation to show excitement.
Example: Hot dog! We finally won the championship!

If You Lie Down With Dogs, You’ll Get Up With Fleas

Meaning: Associating with bad influences can harm you.
Example: Stay away from troublemakers — if you lie down with dogs, you’ll get up with fleas.

In the Doghouse

Meaning: In trouble or facing disapproval.
Example: He forgot their anniversary and is in the doghouse now.

It’s a Dog’s Life

Meaning: A hard, difficult life.
Example: Working long hours with little pay feels like a dog’s life.

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Meaning: Avoid stirring up trouble.
Example: Don’t bring up old arguments — let sleeping dogs lie.

Like a Dog With a Bone

Meaning: Very persistent, unwilling to give up.
Example: She won’t stop researching until she finds the answer — she’s like a dog with a bone.

Like a Dog With Two Tails

Meaning: Extremely happy.
Example: He was like a dog with two tails when he got the job.

Like a Mad Dog

Meaning: Acting wildly or aggressively.
Example: He drove like a mad dog through the city streets.

Man’s Best Friend

Meaning: A way to describe dogs as loyal companions.
Example: Dogs are truly man’s best friend.

Meaner Than a Junkyard Dog

Meaning: Very aggressive or unkind.
Example: That bouncer is meaner than a junkyard dog.

Not Fit for a Dog

Meaning: Very poor quality.
Example: That food was awful — not fit for a dog.

Puppy Dog Eyes

Meaning: A sad or pleading expression.
Example: She gave me those puppy dog eyes, so I couldn’t say no.

Puppy Love

Meaning: Young or immature romantic feelings.
Example: Their crush on each other was just puppy love.

Rain Cats and Dogs

Meaning: To rain heavily.
Example: Bring an umbrella — it’s raining cats and dogs.

Raining Like a Tall Cow Peeing on a Flat Rock

Meaning: Raining heavily.
Example: It’s raining like a tall cow peeing on a flat rock out there!

Run With the Big Dogs

Meaning: To compete with or be among the best.
Example: If you want to run with the big dogs, you need to train harder.

Shaggy Dog Story

Meaning: A long, drawn-out joke or tale.
Example: His speech was just a shaggy dog story — no real point to it.

Sick as a Dog

Meaning: Feeling very ill.
Example: I had food poisoning and was sick as a dog.

Sleep Like a Dog

Meaning: To sleep very soundly.
Example: After the long hike, I slept like a dog.

Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Meaning: It’s hard to learn something new at an old age.
Example: My dad refuses to use email — you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

The Tail Wagging the Dog

Meaning: A small part controlling the whole.
Example: In this company, the interns make decisions — it’s the tail wagging the dog.

Throw to the Dogs

Meaning: To abandon or sacrifice someone or something.
Example: The company threw him to the dogs after the scandal.

Top Dog

Meaning: The most powerful or important person.
Example: After years of hard work, she finally became top dog in the office.


Meaning: Someone expected to lose but still fights hard.
Example: Nobody thought they’d win, but the underdog team surprised everyone.

Dog Idioms Done: What Next?

Mastered these dog idioms and sayings? If you want to learn more and run with the big dogs, you might also like to check out:

James Prior

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